26 de Junho de 2020 -
Hello, my friend! How are you? If you're out of time or "in a rush", go to the last paragraph of this text for a fast answer.
In times of immediate responses and connection 24 hours a day, talking about long-term transformation is a risk! But… we believe you can (and must!) dream big, and make a daily effort to get better every day. This is our mission - seeing you speaking English and being a Leader wherever you go. "The 5 Essential People Skills" was written by Dale Carnegie and its goal is to improve your people skills. In other words, to improve your relationships at work and at home.
We've come to the summary of "The 5 Essential People Skills" written by Dale Carnegie, and I'm happy to see you here, my friend. The skills are rapport building, curiosity, communication, ambition and conflict resolution. His lessons are easy to understand, but sometimes a bit challenging to put into practice, and that's why we detailed them over the last 55 articles + videos + quizzes in our platforms.
Below you have a quick definition of each ability:
1- Rapport Building: connect with people.
2- Curiosity: be interested in the other person, talk about him or her, not yourself.
3- Communication: be clear about your goals and needs.
4- Ambition: dream big and work hard to get there.
5- Conflict Resolution: show the benefits to the other person and focus on present and future.
Inspirations from each skill, written by Dale Carnegie:
1- Rapport Building:
"The ideal description of your business relationships would be mutual liking and trust".
"If you judge someone, maybe you struggle with some of their attributes yourself".
"If what you're doing is not working, you should have the resources to vary your behavior".
2- Curiosity:
"If you believe something is possible, even in your wildest dreams, it is a goal worth striving".
"Let the other person do a great deal of the talking".
"Keep posture attentive; lean forward slightly".
3- Communication:
"Engage your audience, as if your speech is intended specifically for his or her".
"Anything is possible when people are able to work together so improve your communication".
"If you can't listen well, you may not hear the secret which can launch you to fame and fortune".
4- Ambition:
"Discover what motivates your people - each individual has his or her own form of motivation".
"Reward excellence and praise people. No matter how you do it; do it again and again".
5- Conflict Resolution:
"Accept full responsibility for your action".
"Focus on present and future".
"Commit to an all-win approach and clarify what you want, explaining why you want it".
What's your challenge now? Comment here, my friend. We're here to serve you and it's a blessing to see your growth. All the best and see you next class!