Módulo 6: Intermediário I
151 Appearances fat thin tall short
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora different appearances (diferentes aparencias) of people (pessoas). Some people (algumas pessoas) are tall (alto/a), short (baixo/a), thin (magro/a), fat ...152 What do you look like?
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora blond hair (cabelo loiro). She has blond hair (ela tem cabelo loiro), She has got blond hair (ela tem ...Assuntos
Important Expressions, Questions, Appearances, What do you look like?, Features, Life, People, Vocabulary153 Features
Aula de inglês voce aprende agora features (caracteristicas) of people. Ja estudamos general appearances como fat, thin, tall, short... Nesta aula de ingles estudamos He ...154 What's his name? How do you call it?
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora expressions to remember things (expressoes para lembrar coisas) como What's his name? (qual o nome dele?), What's her name? ...Assuntos
Conversation Strategies, Questions, Communication, Curiosities, Life, Grammar, People, Vocabulary155 Games
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora games para decobrir quem e a celebrity que estou falado! I tell you features (caracteristicas) and you have to ...156 Fashion
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora trends in fashion (tendencias na moda). Remember the clothes (roupas) on our class of clothes! Para dizer que algo ...157 Plans for the future
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora plans for the future (planos para o futuro) and I ask your plans for the future! My questions are ...Assuntos
Exercise, Questions, Future, Writing, Communication, Plans for the future, Grammar, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Reading158 Going to, will, may, might
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora different expressions for future: going to, will, may and might. We study examples: I'm going to watch the videos ...159 Jobs
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora different jobs (trabalhos). Firefighter (bombeiro), journalist (jornalista), paramedic, doctor, police officer (policial), sales representative (representante de vendas), dentist, receptionist, ...160 Will and won't
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora I will = I'll e I will not = I won't. Nos usamos o WILL para future. Nesta english ...Assuntos
Future, Writing, Communication, Plans for the future, Will, Curiosities, Life, Grammar, People, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Reading161 Ok, All right, No problem
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora 3 expressions to agree (concordar). You can say (dizer) OK (ok), all right (tudo bem) and no problem (sem ...Assuntos
Conversation Strategies, Writing, Communication, Life, Grammar, People, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Reading162 Technology
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora Future. We talk about future and we talk about technology. In your opinion in the future our homes will ...Assuntos
Future, Writing, Communication, Technology, Curiosities, Life, People, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Reading163 Sequence - first, next, then and finally
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora como dizer uma sequence of facts (sequencia de fatos). Voce diz em ingles I went to the cinema last ...164 Adverbs
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora adverbs como patiently (pacientemente), slowly (vagarosamente), easily (facilmente), carefully (cuidadosamente), automatically (automaticamente). Perceba que com esses adverbs nos somente ...Assuntos
Important Expressions, Frequency Adverbs, Writing, Communication, Adverbs, Grammar, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Reading165 Personality and character
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora different adjectives for people. We study shy (timido), outgoing/extroverted (extrovertido), friendly (amigavel), strict (rigido), interesting (interesting), lazy (desleixado), smart/intelligent, ...Assuntos
Important Adjectives, Writing, Communication, Features, Personality, Curiosities, Life, Grammar, Personal, People, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Reading166 Adjectives for people
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora different personalities. We study different adjectives like talented (talentoso), honest (honesto), easygoing (facil), laid-back/fun (divertido), reliable (confiavel), unreliable (nao ...167 Adverbs to emphasize
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora adverbs to emphasize adjectives. Voce aprende a enfatizar as caracteristicas das pessoas ou coisas. We study really (muito/realmente), so ...Assuntos
Conversation Strategies, Writing, Communication, Emphasize, Adverbs, Life, People, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Reading168 At least
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora mais uma conversation strategy. We study at least (pelo menos) and we see examples like: I'm tired, at least, ...169 Questions about friends
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora questions about your friends (perguntas sobre seus amigos). 1- Who's always checking phone messages? (quem esta sempre checando mensagens ...Assuntos
Conversation Strategies, Questions, Communication, Curiosities, Life, Grammar, People, Vocabulary, Friends170 Would like
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora would like (gostaria) ou abreviado I'd like (eu gostaria) e ve examples como: I would like to play soccer ...Assuntos
Important Expressions, Conversation Strategies, Would, Future, Writing, Communication, Expressions, Life, Grammar, People, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Reading