Módulo 6: Intermediário I
191 Family gripes
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora family gripes (queixas/probleas de familia). There are many difficult situations in a family (tem muitas situacoes dificeis em uma ...Assuntos
Family, Conversation Strategies, Writing, Communication, Curiosities, Life, People, Problems, Listening, Speaking, Reading, Relationships192 Let, Make, Help
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora os verbs let (permitir) make (fazer) help (ajudar). My mother doesn't let me go out on the weekends (minha ...Assuntos
Verbs, Conversation Strategies, Irregular Verbs, Writing, Communication, Grammar, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Reading193 Get
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora 3 significados para o verb get (chegar, conseguir, pegar). I'll get there at 5 (eu vou chegar la as ...194 Want, Ask, Tell
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora want (querer) ask (pedir/perguntar) tell (dizer). My parents want me to study law (meus pais querem que eu estude ...Assuntos
Verbs, Conversation Strategies, Irregular Verbs, Writing, Communication, Grammar, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Reading195 Family members
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora family members (membros da familia), immediate family (familia de "casa"), extended family, blended family, father (pai), mother (mae), parents ...Assuntos
Family, Writing, Communication, Life, Grammar, People, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Reading, Relationships196 Used to
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora used to (costumava) e ve examples: When I was a kid I used to play on the street (quando ...Assuntos
Conversation Strategies, Simple Past, Writing, Past, Communication, Life, Grammar, People, Vocabulary, Stories, Listening, Speaking, Reading197 I think. I don't think. If you ask me
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora expressions to talk about your opinion (expressoes para falar sua opiniao): I think (eu acho), I don't think (eu ...Assuntos
Conversation Strategies, Writing, Communication, Life, Grammar, People, Vocabulary, Problems, Listening, Speaking, Reading, Relationships198 Exactly, Definitely, Absolutely
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora expressions to agree (para concordar). Exactly (exatamente), Definitely (definitivamente), Absolutely (absolutamente). English is really important for my future! (ingles ...Assuntos
Important Expressions, Writing, Communication, Emphasize, Adverbs, Grammar, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Reading199 You're right. That's true
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora you're right (voce esta certo). I need to study English (eu preciso estudar ingles). You're right (voce esta certo). ...Assuntos
Important Expressions, Writing, Communication, Expressions, Grammar, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Reading200 Questions about family
Aula de ingles voce aprende agora questions about family Are people getting married later these days? What's the best age to get married? Do you ...Assuntos
Family, Conversation Strategies, Questions, Writing, Communication, Curiosities, Life, People, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, ReadingR Resumão Intermediário I
Esse é o resumão do Intermediário I do seu English Course at Você Aprende Agora! Aqui é onde você revê todo o conteúdo das aulas ...Assuntos
R Congratulations! This is your Intermediate I Medal, my friend!
YESSSS!!! Your discipline is taking you to the TOP, my friend!Assuntos