30 de Abril de 2024 -

Reflexive Pronouns em inglês himself herself themselves itself

por Rosana Furuyama

Hello, my friend!

Reflexive Pronouns (pronomes reflexivos)

Você Aprende Agora em 1'.

We've seen:(nós já vimos)

I = myself (eu mesmo)

You = yourself (você mesmo)

We = ourselves (nós mesmos)

He = himself (ele mesmo)

He talks to himself(ele fala com ele mesmo)

sometimes.(às vezes)

I talk to myself every day.(eu falo comigo mesmo todo dia)

She = herself(ela = ela mesma)

She's proud of herself.(ela está orgulhosa dela mesma)

They = themselves(eles = eles mesmos)

They have to solve that problem(eles tem que resolver aquele problema)

by themselves.(entre eles mesmos)

It = itself(isso = isso mesmo)

This cell phone(este celular)

fixes itself.(se conserta)


I = myself (eu mesmo)

You = yourself (você mesmo)

We = ourselves (nós mesmos)

He = himself (ele mesmo)

She = herself (ela mesma)

They = themselves (eles mesmos)

it = itself (isso mesmo)

Thank you very much.(muito obrigado)

I'm Felipe Dib.(eu sou Felipe Dib)

See you next ___!(vejo você na próxima ___)


1. He hurt ___ yesterday. He needs to be more careful.

2. She's studying and investing in ___. She's happy now.

3. They're working for ___. I admire them.

4. I'm thinking to ___ if I should buy this cell phone.

5. We need to value ___. We need to have self-respect.

6. He is taking time for ___ after that burnout. He's right.

7. How do you define ___? Are you shy or outgoing?

8. She's living by ___ now. She said that it's not easy.

9. Maria is talking to ___ about that situation.

10. He's generous with ___ and he's phenomenal with his family.