21 de Janeiro de 2020 -
Hello, my friend! How are you? If you're out of time or "in a rush", go to the last paragraph of this text for a fast answer.
In times of immediate responses and connection 24 hours a day, talking about long-term transformation is a risk! But… we believe you can (and must!) dream big, and make a daily effort to get better every day. This is our mission - seeing you speaking English and being a Leader wherever you go. "The 5 Essential People Skills" was written by Dale Carnegie and its goal is to improve your people skills. In other words, to improve your relationships at work and at home.
"Etiquette is really just another word for manners, and manners is shorthand for people skills", defines Dale Carnegie. Our conversations now seem to be much more through our smartphones than face-to-face, and we must get adapted to it. When sending audios through the phone, keep your answer to less than 30 seconds long. When talking in "real life", you can make it in 60. Why?
Because you should listen carefully, instead of talking all the time. "Listening takes practice, because everybody wants to talk", says Dale. Beyond the act of listening (easy!) you must let the other party know that you're listening. Use your body language (eye contact, head nodding…) in response to what they say.
Avoid gossip and inappropriate topics. Instead of interrupting the other person and raising your voice, listen to him/her and pay respectful compliments. It'll be worth it, my friend! Comment here about a compliment you loved to receive and see you next class!