Aula de ingles voce aprende agora different exercise (exercicio diferente). Pause the video and google natural disasters report (pause o video e busque no google natural disasters report). Apos ler essa reportagem em voce responde as perguntas: What kinds of problems does the reporter talk about? (que tipo de problemas o reporter fala?). What was the weather like on that situation? (como estava o tempo naquela situacao?). Were there people rescued? (pessoas foram resgatadas?). What happened to the city that was hit by the natural disaster? (o que aconteceu com a cidade que foi atingida pelo desastre natural?). Were the people injured? (as pessoas foram machucadas?). What did the authorities do? (o que as autoridades fizeram?) Was there a hailstorm? (teve uma chuva de granizo?). Were there wildfires? (tiveram incendios?). Was there a hurricane? (teve um furacao). Talk about the news (fale sobre as noticias). Write your comments (escreva seus comentarios). See you next class!
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